I'm able to publish comments at the moment but seemingly unable to reply to them :(
When I try it wants me to sign in, so I sign in but then when I go to the comment space it still says I'm signed out.
I don't know if this is a glitch with Blogger or my computer, but it's very annoying!
In the meantime, a huge shout out to MP whose comments made my day-- I miss you, MP! Much love to you from here.
I had hoped comments here would be a better alternative to other social platforms for keeping in touch with those who've left Twitter but I'm not sure how if it won't let me reply to my own blog!
I'll keep working on this as I have time (I have an appointment soon so it must wait for now). In the meantime, know that I miss you and love you all, friends, and I value your time and thank you for taking a moment out of your day to think of me. It really means a lot.