Thursday, January 5, 2023

Missing Old Friends, Are You Out There?

Welcome to the first week of 2023, my friends.

I've attempted (again) to turn on comments to the blog here in case any of the friends who've left Twitter in the past few months especially want to try to get into contact with me.

I thought they were already enabled, then a friend asked me about turning them on and I was puzzled. I can't seem to find the option to comment on past posts so I'm hoping that with this one, the settings will actually take effect. Please note I have moderation on for comments, so yours won't appear instantly, I promise I'll keep up with approving them as quickly as I can.

Please say hi if you've left Twitter and we've fallen out of touch. I miss so many of you, it's like a ghost town there now and your presence is very much missed (though I understand why you went and my days there may well be numbered too).

I hope the year is off to a kind and gentle start for you.

I'm sending love, love, love out into the sky...



MGPetrino said...

Saying hi. Hope the new year brings you all goid things :)

February Grace said...

Hi MG! It's so good to hear from you <3 I hope your year is off to a good start, too. Thank you for coming by the blog to say hi, please feel free to email me anytime as well! :~)
xoxo ~bru
P.S. I hope this comment posts properly, I'm having issues with staying signed in if I try to use my Google account. So I'm trying a work-around to see if that gets a reply published. Fingers crossed!

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