Sunday, October 1, 2017

An October Writing Experiment: OctPoWriMo

So... long time, no blogging.

I apologize. Life has been getting in the way, and family comes first.

But, I am trying something new this year. I once used to write at least one poem a day and I'm trying to get back to that, just so I am writing something if for no other reason. Also, I miss writing poetry more frequently and this could be the kick-start I need to get back into that as a habit. I am in the middle of a Bipolar med switch at the moment so my brain is fighting my efforts but I am determined to give this OctPoWriMo challenge my best shot.

So, the goal is to write one poem a day for 31 days in October and post it to your blog. Optional prompts are provided (I may or may not stick with them always, I'm sure some days I'll want to go my own way) and today I will start with a brief poem based upon their word prompts, which are as follows:

family tree
roots and branches
origin story

Here's my first day's work, whittled down from a longer piece.

History by February Grace

A deciduous tower
this untested tree
a line of roots only
five generations deep

For missing pieces
and faceless people,
nameless records end
where my search would begin

Still the ties lie deep
stronger with each new branch
standing bare against the snow
reborn in glorious spring

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~  

Inspiration for this poem: Goes back to the fact that I can't trace my family tree back on either side past my great grandparents. There is a lot of mystery on both sides of the family, and I wonder if I will ever really know the true origins of where I've come from... (Farthest I can trace back, I am British/Scottish on my father's side and Hungarian/Armenian on my mother's.)

That's today's poem. With any luck, I will see you again here tomorrow with another piece.

For more information on OctPoWriMo click the link here, and thank you to those putting it together! 

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